GYARUTEN: Girl drifter-only Ikaten at Fuji Speedway, Part II
28-05-2010 12:44 pmMore from the Fuji Speedway Gyaruten!
Sacchan’s team dressed up as maids for the driver introductions, but Sacchan kept her outfit on all day.
15 CommentsMore from the Fuji Speedway Gyaruten!
Sacchan’s team dressed up as maids for the driver introductions, but Sacchan kept her outfit on all day.
OK, this is going to take a little bit of explaining.
Today, I went to Fuji Speedway for an Ikaten. ”Ikaten” is short for “ikasu hashiriya chiimu tengoku” or “Cool Streetracer Team Heaven”. They’re a regular part of Drift Tengoku videos, and the usual format is that they go to a certain part of Japan and invite a few of the local amateur teams to compete and see who is the best team and individual driver in the region.
This time though, it was an all-girl event. My friend Shino was invited along with Gon-chan and Tomo-chan, two other girl drifters from Tokyo. Their team was called “Forty Overs” because all three of the members are over forty years old.
If you look at the team board, there’s a joke in the name that comes from the character “婆”, which means “old lady”, but can also be pronounced “baa”. “40お婆ーズ” in Japanese can be pronounced “forty overs” in English.
The theme of the group was “Showa yankee joshikousei“, or basically delinquent highschool girls from the 80s. These days, bad schoolgirls wear extremely short skirts, but the thing to do back then was to wear your skirt as long as possible.
The guys in the team did “cosplay” too, in “gakuran” male school uniforms and wigs. I had a particularly awesome red “Regent” pompadour to go with it. It would probably work pretty well for a cosplay of Sakuragi from the Slam Dunk manga too.
I’m guessing the expression on a lot of your faces right now looks a lot like the guy in the background.
18 CommentsWow, what kind of guy drives a car as pink as this?
13 CommentsFor this year’s D1SL season, D1 Corporation has started a separate parallel series just for girl drifters called the “Venus Challenge”.
The name might sound a bit silly, but the driving skills at the pointy end of the field are not.
I’ll have more on that in another post, but when I put up some stuff about Hibino yesterday, it reminded me to put up some pics of one of the Venus Challenge drivers in particular.
10 CommentsEveryone loves a good drift girl article, so here’s some more drivers who attended last weekend’s Nikko Queen.
23 CommentsLet’s have a look at a couple of drivers that competed in Expert Class at last weekend’s Nikko Queen, Rie Shinmi in the R34, and Michiko Yasue in the bronze S14 Silvia.
14 CommentsWhen I lived in Australia, I used to help run a drift club ( that put on track days about once a month. The circuit we used most of the time was no more than an hour’s drive away from most people in Sydney, yet you’d still hear the occasional whinger complain about the distance.
This S14 Silvia belongs to a girl named Michiko. She drove about 500km/310 miles from Nagoya to Utsunomiya to drift at Nikko Circuit, then drove back home the same day.
23 CommentsRace queens are nice and all, but the girls who aren’t being paid to attend a drift event can often be just as interesting.
19 CommentsThis is “Kiirochan”. She drifts her yellow 180SX at full speed while wearing skintight jeans.
Every now and again, somewhere between the freezing winter mornings, numerous low doorways and lack of proper Australian lamb chops, I get a little reminder of why I came to Japan.