
BEST MOTORING: Behind the scenes

By in 12-05-2009 12:12 am

I’ve been doing a bit of part-time work recently helping out on Best Motoring video shoots. Pretty cool eh?

This is part of the video collection at the best Motoring Office. Two or more copies of every issue since number one, with a lot of them still in the original plastic wrapping.



TURTLE HEAD POWER: Japanese sticker gags

By in 11-05-2009 12:20 am

I should start up some regular posts about Japanese drift stickers again, since there are so many great ones kicking about.

The characters 攻めの4亀頭 written on the sticker are pronounced “seme no yon kitou”, which would normally mean “attack with all four cylinders!”

However, the characters for “cylinder” (気筒) have been replaced with the characters for “turtle head” (亀頭), which are written differently, but can also be pronounced “kitou”.

I think you can guess the rest.


NEAT: Wagon R on Work VS-KF

By in 07-05-2009 5:00 pm

When they were first introduced, the Suzuki Wagon R became explosively popular in Japan, and has remained the best selling car in its class.

When they look at cool as this with a simple set of lowering springs and Work VS-KF wheels, you can see why.

The fact that it’s turbo doesn’t hurt either!