February 10, 2014 11:22 pmDon’t worry. Despite the title, there are no more crashed Hakosukas this time.
The weather cleared up nicely in the afternoon, making it a bit nicer to walk around the pits and paddock.
I’m pretty sure this was a real Shelby Cobra. Sounded fantastic too.
The Cobra crew even had their own Airstream motor home! This thing would be a nightmare to drive around in Japan.
More Sunnys getting ready to race.
These look like a lot of fun to drive, so I’ll try and attend one of their TS Cup meetings this year and get a camera on the inside of one.
There were a few Sanitora there as well.
These were all drag machines.
I think I have a thing for straight-sixes.
This could easily have been mistaken for a rat-rodded modern kei van, but it’s a genuine Honda Life Step Van from the ’70s.
Looks like it used to belong to the Shirakawa Paper Shop. Delivery vehicle, perhaps?
Speaking of little old Hondas, here’s a Motocompo, the infamous little 50cc scooter that could fold up and fit in the back of a Honda City.
I saw three of them at this show. Here’s one with a sports exhaust.
I actually own one of these in white. It has registration plates and everything. Might have to do a feature on it soon.
Rocky Autos’s demo car with a six-throttle NA RB26.
There were quite a few car clubs assembled in the parking lot, but this group caught my eye. The SA22C RX-7 is not a very common sight in Japan, and it’s even less common to see this many together.
Oh, hey look, white on black Watanabes again!
Fender mirrors or aero mirrors?
One of the owners had this ancient yet pretty cool jacket.
I love this ’70s Luce that rolled in with the RX-7s.
Here’s how it looked like rolling back out of Fuji Speedway. King of the road or what?
Grandma got lost and ended up at a racetrack.
This neat Fairlady was owned by a fairly young guy.
He was wiping the rain from it when I walked up with the camera, to which he jumped out of the way and stood off to one side with a big grin on his face as I took a couple of pics.
This Fairlady reminded me of the one from the Yoroshiku Mechadoc manga. Regardless of that, it looks mean!
よろしくメカドックのワタナベ スーパー Zと似ているじゃないですか?
Tags: Fairlady, Fuji Speedway, Hakosuka, Honda, JCCA, Mazda, Motocompo, Nissan, RX-7, Shelby, Sunny, Toyota, uCategorised in: Events イベント, Nostalgic ノスタルジック
This post was written by Alexi
quad = 4.
that last fairlady oh my!