TIME MACHINE FESTIVAL 2009: Mighty Fairladys

April 7, 2009 12:30 am Published by

You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, I posted this panorama shot of a Z meeting at Fuji Speedway. It was at the “Time Machine Festival”, a two day event that featured decades worth of fast cars from all over the world, which ranged from daily drivers to proper race machines.

The weather was pretty nasty all day, but it was still worth walking around in the driving rain to see what had come out to play. If it wasn’t already obvious, Fairladys were out there in force, so this post is dedicated to Nissan’s Z car.

The majority of the Zeds there were privately-owned cars, the drivers of which had endured the lousy conditions and come out to hang around with like-minded people.

In one of the pits was a special Fairlady exhibit, which featured an interesting range of cars from the model’s history.

Rally-spec 300ZX.

That reminds me, I should catch up with Komaki soon, and shoot his car as well.

That’s what used car dealers refer to as “character”, isn’t it?

One of the cooler police cars I’ve ever seen.

Burgundy exterior, burgundy interior. You can just smell the cologne from here.

A Zed expert might want to chime in here. This is a mint replica of the first 432 model to roll off the production line, isn’t it?

Imagine twin bursts of flame shooting from these exhaust pipes.

Outside in the parking lot, hundreds of Zeds were all crammed in nose-to-tail. After the parade lap, almost half of the cars drove straight home, so I missed out on shooting quite a few.

The ones that stayed behind were still worth a look though.

Mean. Don’t forget your double-stack exhaust pipes.

From the front, the G-nose looks just as mean.

Don’t forget to leave the grease and grime on your numberplate for that proper racing look.

There were quite a few Z31s at the event as well. Some of them looked contemporary, but most of which were still done in a very early ’90s style.

Straightfrom the pages of a 1990 Option magazine.

Is it just me, or have those rims been widened a bit?


That looks strangely familiar.

Cali-style convertible, complete with billet wheels and Moon antenna ball.

I suppose it was guys of this generation that made the original car as popular as it was.

More from the Time Machine Festival 2009 soon!

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This post was written by Alexi