

By in 07-08-2009 6:14 pm

The only criticism I’ve heard from people so far about Noriyaro is that I don’t update enough. I suppose I should remove that RSS feed thing there on the right of screen…

Seeing as anything is better than nothing, here’s some words to read.

Things to look forward to next week are the pics from the August 8th AE86 meeting at Nikko Circuit and pics from Ebisu Summer Drift Matsuri this weekend. All my tyres are sorted out, but there’s still a few more things to do. As for coverage, I’m going to carry my little camera around and take photos at regular intervals during the day and night. I had planned to do this last time, but I didn’t end up bothering since drifting is a lot more fun!

That reminds me, I’d better go and put the second battery in the charger.


WEEKEND EDITION: Superhypermegabrake

By in 01-08-2009 3:09 pm

I’ve said before that I don’t really want to post up pics of “Engrish”, since you get emails from people calling you ignorant and racist.

How you can be racist and live in Japan though, I have no idea.

Anyway, just like anywhere else in the world, truck drivers are considered tough and rough guys in Japan. As a result, the names of some of the big road machinery sound equally impressive, such as the the Isuzu Gigamax and the Mitsubishi Fuso Super Great.

Sometimes though, they kind of miss the mark.