By Alexi in
18-08-2010 9:20 pm

Even though I was working on the Honda Type-R part of this particular Hot Version shoot, that didn’t stop me from having a look at some of the other cars that were there. This 180SX was there for a segment about drifting techniques, hosted by Nobuteru Taniguchi.
By Alexi in
16-08-2010 11:07 pm

This is a shiny and new FD2 Civic Type-R. I was given the job of driving it from the Hot Version production offices in Tokyo to the crew’s hotel all the way over in Niigata for the latest video shoot.
The things we do.
By Alexi in
12-05-2009 12:12 am

I’ve been doing a bit of part-time work recently helping out on Best Motoring video shoots. Pretty cool eh?
This is part of the video collection at the best Motoring Office. Two or more copies of every issue since number one, with a lot of them still in the original plastic wrapping.
By Alexi in
11-03-2009 12:30 am

It’s awesome that I came all the way to Japan to go drifting, but I conveniently get to watch American drifting as well.
The 2010 Mustang just looks and sounds bad ass too. Steve McQueen would be pleased.
Click here for JR’s shoot with Best Motoring Hot Version at YZ Circuit. (クリックして)