DOING IT RIGHT: Team Burst at Odaiba MSC
03-12-2008 12:30 amMore to come soon from the MSC Games event at Odaiba.
7 CommentsMore to come soon from the MSC Games event at Odaiba.
Assembled together for your pleasure.
While Toyota was firing up their more prestigious Formula cars opposite the Nissan stand, the people’s favourite Skylines easily drew a crowd with the Nissan team’s comprehensive exhibition.
Even though this Hakosuka is worth about as much as a new BMW M6, there were no barriers keeping you from getting right up close. I saw at least a couple of people walk past it and brush the buckles of their backpacks against it though.
Everyone in the world of automotive fandom has some sort of secret fantasy they would wish for if a genie popped out of the oil bottle. Racing disciples might like to go back in time and see a historic race win or famous circuit duel, old-school fans might dream of finding their model of choice wrapped in a plastic bubble with less than five kilometres on the dial, but I’ve always had one very specific automotive fantasy, and it was well and truly fulfilled last Saturday.
I saw a 787B doing burnouts.
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