WEEKEND EDITION: 2010 1JZ Meeting video preview from Hoon Media
December 19, 2010 9:30 am1JZ Drift @ Fuji Speedway from Hoon Media on Vimeo.
So, we all know the type of drifting video that’s popular these days? You know, like lots of focus pulls, weeds blowing in the breeze, vignettes and shots of people doing random things set to some music that the kids like this week?
At least nobody is using Linkin Park or Drowning Pool any more.
Mark Boxer, the editor of Phat Sliggity DVD, put this oh-so-artistic teaser together of the segment he’s making of the video he shot at the 2010 1JZ Meeting when he had a few spare minutes. Don’t worry, the real video will be along the lines of a normal video, with people talking and engine sounds. Mostly 1JZs, come to think of it. Check out my new pink Alliance Speedmetal helmet with custom visor print supplied by the guys at AFG Moto here in Tokyo. Thanks Akira and Jason!
Making Phat Sliggity 2 with lots of content from Japan is still a big possibility (the first one is still available), but whether or not it goes to DVD is another question. We’ll wait and see.
Tags: 1JZ MeetingCategorised in: Video ビデオ
This post was written by Alexi
Great vid. Can’t wait to see the rest.
very arousing
so can you see out of that helmet?!
Here ya go Bry. they’re not 100% clear, but you can still see through them. Awesome for sponsor logos etc
love it. anyone know what that song is?
Adrian Lux – Teenage Crime (Original Mix)
O/T: Alexi, have you got any inside goss about the Tsuchiya & Inada split from D1?
the song.
its adrian lux- teenage crime . ahahah it playing on the radio right now !!!./
Not enough focus pulls
could watch that bumper cam just about all day
I instantly fell in love for that Chaser patrol car. Yeah, even the name model name fits right.
I find the song lyrics annoying, but the music and video is nice!
Nice! oh man that looks like such a sick event, <3 JZX everything :)))
the helmet's pretty awesome btw
You look like John Lennon at the beginning of the video!
I get that all the time.
nice driving alexi..any chance we can meet up at tokyo..me and a couple of friends are planning to go there sometime next year..