PIT IN: Taking a little break from the action
August 1, 2010 12:08 amYou might have noticed a lack of regular posts recently. I’m currently taking quick Tsuchiya-style break back home in Australia.
I’ll be back in Japan later this week.
Tags: Keiichi TsuchiyaCategorised in: Random その他
This post was written by Alexi
I wondered were you have been started to miss you 🙁
ahah amazing.
I need my dose of Noriyaro. This site is too awesome.
Stay!! GO 180 needs her old flame!!
been going on every day hoping there is something new. but know i know why there hasnt been 🙁 hurry up and get back to
jap land!!!!!!
needs a comma after the 今 and don’t make みたい into kanji.
Also, use で after Australia.
haha so very random
also thats the first japanese sentence ive been able to read in its entirety uni’s finally paying off haha
when do you fly back Alexi? I’m taking off on Saturday, Tullamarine to Narita!