HARDLY WHAT I’D CALL A BOX: Hakosuka at Tsukuba
May 18, 2009 11:54 pmHere’s a one-shot of a Hakosuka’s tough profile for my buddy Kevin over at Japanese Nostalgic Car blog, who has been having a bit of the hate part of the love/hate relationship with his own Hako at the moment.
Tags: Hakosuka, Nissan, Skyline, Tsukuba CircuitCategorised in: Nostalgic ノスタルジック
This post was written by Alexi
why?… its an excellent car (if thats what the hating is about)
I love hakosukas and kenmeris.
Me want a Hakosuka
Beautiful car! Sik how those watanabe’s look under a Hako
:DREAM:I only dream of owning a N/A L28 powered Hako, full exhaust and ITB. :DREAM:
100% perfect.
Oh how nice. Very, very sexy piece of machinery. N/Aontherun is bang on about a dream Hako…
swapped Hako’s are the worst thing ever.
Love/hate as in when it breaks down or gives hassles and can’t be driven.
Kev’s Hako is pretty sweet! Sounds horn too..
Pure sex !
I love that color !!
WOW soooo very sexy
That is a strikingly beautiful car.
Although L28’s sound the business, I think I’d stick with the S20 for the sake of orignality.
Wallpaper anyone???
legendary car sweet shot alexi
…now that car looks familiar 🙂
I’m more interested in the wagon in the background. j/k
That wagon is actually an ambulance!
just wondering the code color 😀 anyone?