April 15, 2009 3:54 amMy coverage of last weekend’s Hyper Meeting wasn’t as good as it could have been, because I attended another event on the same day.
Two events in one day is kind of how it is around here. I could potentially do it again this weekend, but the subject of this Sunday’s event is worth a fair bit of attention. More on that next week.
About an hour and a half away (if you drive properly and not stop to look at weird old Supras parked in back lanes, perhaps some Canadians will understand what I mean) at Nikko Circuit on the same day as Hyper Meeting was the annual RB Meeting.
Organised by old-school D1 driver Shunichi Tomikuda (I have some of his “face and helmet” stickers available if anyone wants to buy one), who specialises in custom parts for RB engines, the event was strictly for RB-engined drift cars.
It makes sense to start at the beginning, so here’s an R31 that’s well on its way to becoming a zokusha.
Let’s see. Lowered, cambered and dished rear wheels, tsurikawa and purple police light, check.
Here’s a four-door that’s a bit more conventional.
The owner had obviously been keeping it maintained with lots of late-model parts.
Shouldn’t the paint splatter go the other way?
Never mind, at least it was being driven like this!
Needless to say, I had a fair bit of inspiration for my own Skyline on that day. Hammering out the rear end might be a good start…
This photo was taken when the sun was partially obscured by clouds in the late afternoon. Now, imagine that flake paint in full sunlight!
Oh no, I’m getting more ideas.
If you’re going to get a rear GT-spoiler, it has to be wider than the car. That’s the rule.
If your car doesn’t look good standing still…
…at least you can make it look good while moving.
Come to think of it, Ebisu Circuit’s Drift Matsuri is coming up soon, so it might be a bad idea to fix the bodywork on my car. It might need some more work after the weekend is over.
These two friends had a nice pair of RB sliders.
The gold R33 owner’s name was Yamamoto, and he was quite proud of his car.
…especially the size of his rims…
…and his (in my opinion) rather tasteful hood vinyl.
18-inch 265s on a 12J. Nice.
It’s really not hard to make an R33 look good.
It would have been nice to cram an R31 in this pic to go along with all the others.
Also at the event was Drift Tengoku magazine’s editor Ryusuke Kawasaki in his project GT-R.
Garage 3UP’s Mikami has been at almost every single Nikko event I’ve been to recently. That guy is getting in some serious track time.
D1 C35 Laurel drifter and Car Modify Wonder boss Takashi Haruyama was there too.
Yeah, did you think I’d forgotten about all the other RB-powered cars? Nope! Here’s a neat Cefiro that attended.
Here’s its even neater engine bay. Love that rocker cover.
Is there such a thing as a C34 Laurel that is too low?
If you involuntarily answered “yes” inside your head, get the hell off my website right now.
This pic does not do justice to how garish this Laurel was in real life.
I was half hoping it was being driven by a girl, but no.
Laurels can look extremely manly as well though.
It takes a real man to spray perfectly good dished name-brand chrome wheels in gloss black.
It needs a .50 machine gun mounted somewhere to complete the look.
Tags: A31, C34, C35, Cefiro, Laurel, Nissan, R31, R32, R33, R34, SkylineCategorised in: Events イベント
This post was written by Alexi
I’ll take a sticker 🙂 Great entry, as always!
i love that gold 33 <3
we need more in canada
great post! rb’s aren’t that cool but CA’s look like RB’s so thats ok!
I love that last car, it’s super clean 🙂
That second one down of the gunmetal R31 would make a good wallpaper i think. 🙂
Fantastic cars once again! So jealous of japan!
Good article! Any pics of c33s?
That R31 has the sexiest ASS I’ve seen in a loooong time. Sick Showa Stylings.
Can’t say I’ve ever dug the つり革 though.
Yes Good work there Alexi, have always loved the nissans.
im in love with the first r31 you posted. and more pictures of it or in high res
do you have pictures of the stickers cause i might be interested in one
keep it up man
some real nice cars there! i love it when i see an r33 that actually looks very good. kinda restores my faith in humanity.
ooh ooh, what’s this weekend?
Wow, R32 front end, wide front fenders, massive GT-wing, and those bolt-on fender flares on a non-GTR tail, they make for a very impressive looking car, maybe you should do that to your skyline 🙂
Alexi says: ‘Shouldn’t the paint splatter go the other way?’
You’re looking at it the wrong way, the white is running over the blue 😉
Nice pics, lots of photos = good
Any action shots of the white cefiro?
Sick shots homie. All cars are choppin. R31 Doing work.
1st pic of the r31 and the silver r32 are the bomb!! ducktails forming a stronger trend these days anyone?
The ducktail style spoiler is definitely making a comeback but the R32 Skyline is a bit of a special case in that regard. The Group-A GT-R racecars had a “chibihane” spoiler (チビっ羽 – little wing) added under the normal spoiler.
I guess people just liked the look of the car with only the “chibihane” spoiler so I have seen lots of them like this.
Something like a Lancer Evolution has a “dekahane” (デカっ羽) and I think you can guess what that means.
nothin’ manlier than BRG! gotta love laurels, even if they’re full of pink (come to think of it that’s actually a reason to like it more ;D)
great stuff Alexi! wish i could have been there to hear all the wondrous RB soundtracks
I want those wheels on the R31.
Alexi, I know it’s a while away but are you going to the Natsu Drift Matsuri?
dam i love later model laurels especially those examples love it.
Is there such a thing as a C34 Laurel that is too low?
If you involuntarily answered “yes” inside your head, get the hell off my website right now.
I thort you were goin to say yes and was preparing to leave 😛
go the rb’s!! love the 32’s….how r they sticking those little wings to the top of the rear window? i want one…
“It’s really not hard to make an R33 look good.”
i think youve been away from australia too long champ
MOAR MOAR!!!!! of the G.I Joe Laurel at the end of the post. please. That think is the absolute business.
Alexi, please oh please post more pictures of Cefiro’s and Laurel’s!
I think there might have been one there, but I didn’t get any shots.
It’s on the list of things to do.
I should be, yeah.
If I take any good pics, they’ll go up here.
so much sex on this page,
do u have anymore pics of …
love oldschool wheels.
is that a ceffy?, still cant properly identify them yet lawl.
“lachlanrb20s13 says:
some real nice cars there! i love it when i see an r33 that actually looks very good. kinda restores my faith in humanity.”
That is so true
Was a good event, I was there taking pics in the morning. I obviously keep missing you there as I have been to the last couple of Nikko events you have covered;)
so much inspiration!!!
painted dish is the business
That blue r32 looks stunning!
And that A31 is so clean.
Awesome coverage Alexi! I luv it..
The white A31 looks gorgeous..nice engine bay!
Alexi, will you continue with part2? I really wish to… …
Encore..encore.. >.<
had to more than Laurels and Skylines there, love the pics………….were there any other vehicles there with transplanted Rb engines?
Only a one-parter this time.
People don’t tend to swap RBs into things that didn’t originally have them over here. Usually RBs are swapped out for something else, like an SR..
that is very strange to me… but i guess it’s the same sort of approach as Smokey with his Supra… still very surprising lol… hell RB cars were never even sold here and people are still putting them in all sorts of shells (mostly s13, that’s what we have the most of here in canada ;))
What on earth is going on with that rear wing on the pink sparkley r32 😐
“People don’t tend to swap RBs into things that didn’t originally have them over here.”
Although I have seen an awesome Zokusha styled RB25 powered Y31.
But awesome stuff as always Alexi
you obviously know nothing about drift daniel b…jokes! :p
f**k the japanese know how to use colour! that last laurel is just complete perfection. and the pink one with purple flares..epic.
love the 31’s u posted up and last Laurel u posted up the colors look sweet
i would like a sticker. that last car you posted is awesome. it’s a spirant car right?
that would have been a really interesting day. was it strange to hear just continuous RBs going around ??
i hope you were embarrassed about your R32’s ride height.
mean c34 where are more pictures and no that c34 is not too low the chassis on mine is sitting 35mil off the ground 😀 and if any one knows where to get a full body kit for a c34 laurel please let me know on
Damnnn.. I like the looks on that white nissan cefiro.